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My teaching philosophy is all about making learning engaging, practical, and inclusive. 


Engagement and Active Learning: I like to keep things interactive in my classes. I ask questions that get students thinking, encourage small group discussions, and then bring everyone together for a big class conversation. It really gets students involved, even in challenging subjects. And it helps them connect with each other, making learning a team effort.


Gamification for Complex Topics: To make tough topics more fun and understandable, I've turned to gamification. We play games like "Family Feud Federalism" and "Confuse the Courts" to explore complex concepts. It's a great way to boost understanding and enthusiasm. Students seem to enjoy it too!


Practical Skill Development: I want my students to take what they learn in class and apply it in the real world. In my Race, Ethnicity, and Politics courses, students create policy briefs on real issues and defend their ideas through presentations. In my Politics of Crime and Policing course, students demonstrate knowledge through reading-informed creative projects using different mediums of their choice. 


Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion: Creating an inclusive space is crucial, especially when discussing sensitive topics. I encourage respectful discussions and value diverse perspectives. Even when students disagree, I aim to foster understanding rather than shutting anyone down.


I'm committed to helping every student succeed, and I believe in building their self-confidence. That's been my goal since my time as a teaching assistant. Let's learn together and make education a collaborative and enjoyable journey!


Background image credit: amazing student Ella O'Niell's interpretation of Anderson's Code of the Streets.

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Instructor of Record


Graduate Student Teaching Experience

Teaching Assistant with Discussion Section

  • Introduction to American Politics: 2020

  • Political Inquiry: 2020, 2021


Professional Positions

  • Senior Teaching Assistant for Methods


Other Teach Assistant Positions

  • Perspectives on Race (Poli 100O): 2018

  • Policy Analysis and Public Welfare (GPCO 408 - MA level course): 2019

  • Politics and Warfare (Poli 142K): 2020, 2021


Background image credit: amazing student Jacob Pursell's interpretation of Omar Wasow's Agenda seeding: How 1960s black protests moved elites, public opinion and voting

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©2021 by G. Agustin Markarian. Created with

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